How To Annotate Reducing Fitting through Text Favourite Manager using Place Note in OpenPlant Modele

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition

Update 8(

Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Area: UserInterface
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Ashutosh Patil, Bentley Product Advantage Group


As per user’s request, Sometimes user creates their own Annotation through Text Favorite Manager and place it on component using place label or place note. This wiki will help to meet the requirement to place the annotation through Place Note if there are issues while placing through place Label

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Laucnh OpenModeler CE.

  2. Go to ECAnnotation.cel where the Cell has been created for e.g Fittings tag and placed through Text Favorite Manager Imperial Workset Considerd -Std for ECAnnotation.cel
    Path : C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Workspaces\WorkSpace\WorkSets\OpenPlantImperial\Standards\OpenPlant\Modeler\Cell

  3. Create a Copy of existing any existing cell and Name it as FITTING TAG TEST. IF its copied from Valve then the Class Name of Valve gets reflected into cel as XX.NAME.XX

  4. Double click on Class Name placed such that Text Editor dialog box will pop up.Click on Star as shown in image below which is an Text Favorite Manager then click on Manage.

  5. In Text Favorite Manager, Hit on New Favorite icon with + sign→Name it as e.g Tag Test→Select the Field Type OpenPlant→ Field Subtype -Concentric Pipe Reducer’s Value as Nominal Diameter from Design Values. Such that Concentric Pipe Reducer.Nominal Diameter gets reflected as shown below:Make sure to insert inverted commas into Suffix. Hit on Accept and save.

  6. Similary select Nominal Diameter Reducing End in Concentric Pipe Reducer and hit on Accept such that its gets reflected as highlighted in below step i.e Concentric.Pipe.Reducer.Nominal Diameter.Reducing End. Save and close the Text Favorite Manager

  7. After Closing the Text Favorite Manager, Select the Tag Test and it will get reflected in Text Editor as shown below . Click on Place Note and place the Concentric Pipe Reducer.Nominal DiameterConcentric Pipe Reducer.Nominal Diameter Reducing End into cell origin point similar to MicroStation.

    Save the changes and settings.

  8. Go Sheet view in dgn through Modeler.
    Click on Place Note - Select the Tag Test from star icon i.e Text Favorite Manager such that it will get reflected into Text Editor.

  9. Concentric Pipe Reducer.Nominal DiameterConcentric Pipe Reducer.Nominal Diameter Reducing End gets reflected into Text Editor.
    Than select the Place Note option of how the Tag should placed .
    And click on reducer such that its size gets reflected i.e 6"X4".

  10.   IF Place Label is showing issue than Place Note also can helpful in placing annotation for component as shown below.

See Also

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround