To fix issue of Bolts not appearing on auto flange sets in OPM CE

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler CE U9

Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Area: User InterFace
Original Author:Jayu Bhosale, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Due to the lack of bolt data in the newly created spec, it is possible that OPM will not fetch bolt data and auto place with flange set or with the component. Hence this article will help in fixing the issue with the help of OpenPlant Project Administrator CONNECT Edition.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch Open Plant Project Administrator CONNECT Edition. 

  2. Click on the OpenPlant Model from the desired project or WorkSet as per requirement.

  3. Now, look for the connectivity section from right side panel, Do the Tick for Auto Bolt Section and Calculated Bolt Length to be 1 as shown. Save

  4. Launch the OPM and Verify the result.



See Also

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround