How to Retrieve connected Pipeline Tag on inline Instruments

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition


Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: Tag
Subarea: User Interface
Original Author:Abhijit Bute, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Projects may have a requirement to show Pipeline Tag on inline Instruments.

Following illustrative steps will helps to assign PipeLine Tag to inline Instruments.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open Bentley Class Editor.
  2. Navigate to the WorkSet path and open 01.08.ecschema.xml
  3. Supplement with 01.08.ecschema
  4. Search for the ‘Pipe Run’ class.
  5. Add new Property ‘PIPETAGNO’ and add the following custom attribute
    Calculated ECProperty Specification
    Notify Related Components of Property Value Change

  6. Add Expression on Calculated ECProperty Specification
  7. Add new Property PIPE_TAG on Instruments
    Add Category as a custom attribute.
  8. Save the schema.
  9. Open OPPID, Place Instrument on the pipeline and check Pipe Tag property value.

See Also

Still a Problem?

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