How to Add new Nozzle Type that should appear in nozzle selection list for a Pipeline Starts or Ends

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition 
Environment:Windows 11 (64 bit)
Subarea: Nozzle
Original Author: Sameer Bagwan, Bentley Global Technical Support


This document outlines a method for adding a new nozzle class and explains how to incorporate this newly created class into the Auto Nozzle List, which is displayed when a pipeline is initiated or terminated at a piece of equipment.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. For the test, create a new cell in Equipment.cel and name it FLANGED-Nozzle. Proceed to draw the geometry as needed.

  2. To add a new Nozzle Class in the Schema, launch the Class Editor and open the OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml schema and supplement the OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecschema.xml schema.

  3.  Make the necessary modifications such as adjusting the ‘Name’ and ‘Display Name’ as indicated in the image below. Also, alter the ‘Cell Name’ in the ‘Schematics CAD Custom Attributes’ to ‘FLANGED-Nozzle’.

    Please note: The ‘Cell Name’ specified in the ‘Schematics CAD Custom Attributes’ should match the ‘Cell Name’ that was created in Element.cel.

  4. Save the changes

  5. Search for AUTO_NOZZLE_LIST in the schemas.

  6. . Within the ‘Class Name Display List’, add an item by right-clicking on an item and selecting ‘Add Element’. Proceed to input the ‘Display Name’ and ‘Class Name’ for the new element.

    Please note: The class name added to the ‘Class Name Display List’ should be identical to the class name for the Nozzle that was added in the previous steps.

  7. Save all Changes Relaunch OPPID

  8. To enable the display of the nozzle selection window when a pipeline is initiated or terminated at a piece of equipment, please follow the steps outlined in this guide. This will ensure that the appropriate nozzle options are presented for selection during these operations.

  9. When a major line is drawn starting from the Cone Roof Tank, user will notice that the Auto Flange List appears. Upon selecting an option, a Flanged Nozzle is placed. However, it’s observed that the pipeline connection overlaps with the nozzle connection, as depicted in the image below. This overlap might need to be addressed to ensure proper visualization and functionality.

  10. This is mainly due to Incorrect distance set in Connection Point.
  11. To incorporate Connection Point Data, modifications are required in the cel.sch.ecinstance.xml file. Open this file and insert the necessary lines mentioned at the end of this point, beneath the end of the Connection Point line for the ‘Nozzle’ class, as demonstrated in the image below. Please ensure that the added lines are correctly formatted and placed to avoid any errors or issues.

    Please note: The ‘instanceID’ name should match the cell name that is defined in Equipment.cel. This consistency is crucial for the correct functioning of the system.


      <CellData instanceID="FLANGED-Nozzle" xmlns="SchematicsCells.01.00">













  12. To get correct connection point distance, an trial and error method must be used as Connection Point Distance varies user to user as per the geometry they create. In this instance, the origin offset for CP2 was set to 3.5. This value aligns with the geometry created in the cell, resulting in the correct placement of the pipeline at the end of the nozzle. This adjustment ensures that the pipeline and nozzle connect accurately, maintaining the integrity of the overall design.

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