To Resolve the ‘Nozzle Connection Broken’ Error and Populate TO/FROM Fields for "Pipe Run Terminatio

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID
Version(s):CONNECT Edition Update 11 (
Environment:Windows 11 (64 bit)
Area: Errors & Messages
Subarea: Pipe Run Termination
Original Author: Sameer Bagwan, Bentley Global Technical Support Group


In OpenPlant PID OOTB ISO Metric workset, placing Pipe Run Termination gives error message and TO/FROM fields dose not get populated

Problem Description

In the OpenPlant PID OOTB ISO Metric workset, an issue has been identified when placing the Pipe Run Termination. An error message (“Nozzle Connection Broken”) is displayed and the TO/FROM fields do not get populated as expected. This disrupts the workflow and could potentially lead to inaccuracies in the piping system design.


Steps to Resolve

  1. Open the file Equipment.cel.sch.ecinstance.xml. for ISO workset. Below mentioned is the default location for the file in OOTB ISO Metric workset .
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Iso_Metric\Standards\OpenPlant\PID\Cell
  2. Look for the line for the Display Label under SEGMENT_TERMINATION. If it is missing, proceed to the next step.

  3. Add the missing line with the correct display label name as per the Connection Point.


  4. Save the changes.

  5. Relaunch the application to see if the issue is resolved.

  6. Place the Pipe Line Termination and verify the TO/FROM data is getting populated and error is also no more.


  1. It is necessary that the Connection Point is named as CP2 for it to work properly.

  2. For ISO Metric workset Connection Point are not defined correctly so to place Connection Point to Pipe Run Termination Follow wiki attacked in the See Also section .

See Also

 To Resolve the Incorrect Configuration of "Pipe Run Termination" by Adding the Missing Connection Point in the ISO Metric Workset in OPPID   

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please log a Case and contact the Bentley Global Technical Support group.  While logging a case, please include all relevant information to get in-depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

 Link to log a case is available Here>>>

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