Creating a custom u-turn or 270 degree loop curve arrow


How can I create a custom u-turn or 270 degree loop curve arrow in OpenRoads SignCAD?


Some Standards in OpenRoads SignCAD have the U-Turn arrow icon available on the toolbar that can be used to create custom U-Turn or 270 degree loop arrows. The following Standards have the U-Turn arrow icon: Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

Here are the steps to create a custom U-Turn or 270 degree loop arrow in OpenRoads SignCAD:

  1. Pick File>New and select a standard that has the U-Turn arrow icon on the toolbar. Here is a wiki with instructions for Selecting Standards in OpenRoads SignCAD - OpenRoads | OpenSite Wiki - OpenRoads | OpenSite - Bentley Communities.

2. Select the U-Turn arrow icon on the toolbar and left click on the workspace to bring up the U Turn Arrow dialog.

3. In the U Turn Arrow dialog, choose the Direction: Left or Right and then select Size: Custom.

4. In the Custom U Turn Arrow dialog, enter the arrow values. To create the arrow, press OK to both the Custom U Turn Arrow and U Turn Arrow dialogs.