WaterSight - Valve Operations Results


Map view

Map automatically zoomed to the location of the event, highlighting all customers affected by the valve operation event, and with the identification of the valves that were opened or closed. Customers and valves are represented with the following colors:

User can click in any element in the map to see the results for a specific element. Graph result will only be available if the event simulation run is Extended Period type, please see below for more information.

Using the map controls, the user can also enable several hydraulic parameters, such as pressure, flow, velocities, etc.

Map Controls

Layers: Use the layers option located on the top of the map to enable or disable additional geospatial information as well as the 3D context. Any GIS information that is uploaded in WaterSight (through shapefile upload in the GIS administration page) will be here displayed.

Model Element Visibility: The user can control the elements that are shown on the map, such as:

Model Symbology

Side-by side view:

Side by side view will only be available for operational events that were created in the last 7 days. If side-by-side view option is on, it will be possible to easily compare the baseline scenario (with no event) with the event scenario. User can click in any element in the map to see the results for a specific element and compare pre and post event conditions. Graph result will only be available if the event simulation run is Extended Period type, please see below for more information.


Statistics about the pump shutdown event:

Critical customers affected are those that have zero or low pressure during the simulated event. The information about critical customers need to be previously provided by the user and filled in the configuration template used to import customers information, in the digital twin administration. 
The rule to highlight low pressure customers is the following:
The minimum pressure threshold is defined in the digital twin settings, under the service expectations tab.
Examples: Low pressure threshold: 50psi
Case 1: Without event 70, With event 60 -> do NOT highlight (good conditions)
Case 2: Without event 70, With event 40 -> highlight (it passed the threshold)
Case 3: Without event 51, With event 49 -> highlight (it passed the threshold)
Case 4: Without event 49, With event 48 -> do NOT highlight (it was already low and variation less then 15%)
Case 5: Without event 49, With event 35 ->  do highlight (it was already low but a variation greater then 15%)
The user can also re-run a different scenario where different valves are selected (without needing to leave the page) by just clicking on the edit button    located near the valves that were operated.


The user can re-run again the valves operational event with other configurations.

Clicking in the Simulate button it will open a dialog to run the steady state or extended period simulation with the some user defined settings. 

Steady state run

Hydraulic model engine will  run in order to identify customers impacted by the event (customers without supply and customers with low pressure). Steady state means that the period analyzed corresponds only to the one instant where valves were opened or closed, according to the user configuration. In that case, above the simulate button, it will be displayed Steady state as simulation type.

Extended period run

Extended period means that the period analyzed comprises a specific duration (and not an instant) defined by the user. In that case, above the simulate button, it will be displayed Extended Period as simulation type.

Affected List of Customers

Summary of all affected customers (Billing ID and address). Click in the Full Screen button to have a complete view (in a tabular format) of all customers affected, with more detailed information

Click in the download CSV button to export the list of all Affected Customers to a CSV file. 

See also

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's