- Why would AutoPIPE be slow to start? and how to speed things up?


There can be any number of issues that would cause AutoPIPE to be slow to start, on or more of the following may apply:

1. See WIKI here and reference all items comments under Item #1.  

2. Before Starting AutoPIPE, confirm

a. Connection Client is opened

b. User has signed into Connection Client

c. Connection Client has no red status on health check.

3. Open BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool) - click here

a. Refresh Policy

b. Send Logs Now

c. Confirm AutoPIPE products Entitlements access are set to Allow

d.  Product Status description is OK to Run

4. Confirm no issues with Bentley Cloud Services Status

5. Are you using AutoPIPE software remotely (ex. on a cloud server, Virtual Machine, etc..) ?

If no, you confirmed that you are using AutoPIPE on a local computer with a local drive., continue to step #5. 

If yes, stop here, contact your IT department and ask that they address connection speed issues. Bentley Technical support cannot troubleshoot speed issues related to remote access.

6. Are there any 3rd party applications monitoring AutoPIPE software start up (ex. Virus protection, 3rd party Licensing programs, etc...)

If no, continue to step #6. 

If yes, stop here, contact your IT department and ask that they temporarily suspend all 3rd party monitoring applications, and then try to start AutoPIPE. Work with your IT department to remedy related issues. 

7. By now, both Connection Client and BLT are working correctly, licensing should not be a factor for delaying start up of the software.

a. Get a stop watch and time the start up from pressing the icon to the point where one can open a model using File > Open.

  If start time is > 20 sec. there is a problem.

8. If you have gotten this point, suggest the following:

a. Go to Wiki here and run WinDBG application as instructed. 

b. Generate a WinDBG log text file. 

c. Create a new Bentley Case, and provide the following:

i. reference this WIKI page. 

ii. Provide time it takes to start the application after pressing on the AutoPIPE icon.

iii. Provide a copy of the WinDBG log text file for review.