+ What to do when AutoPIPE Crashes / Freezes on Start-up?

Before Starting this process, confirm the following people are readily available as they may be needed:

Perform the following steps here:

0. See Known issues reported here

1. Confirm computer running the application meets the minimum requirements as mentioned in AutoPIPE's detailed Readme files - click here

a. Specifically, confirm Graphics Card drivers are updated and capable of supporting Open GL.

2. Delete folder the following folders:

a. “%programdata%\Bentley\AutoPIPE xxxx”

b. “%appdata%\Bentley\AutoPIPE xxxx”

3. Delete all fonts that has “AlibabaPuHuiTi” in its name

4. ***Important*** Reboot the computer!

5. Work with your company IT department, have someone with full Adim rights log into the computer.  

6. Work with your company IT department to temporarily turn off virus protection on computer.

Or add exclusion for AutoPIPE program into virus protection software.

i. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\AutoPIPE.exe.

ii. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\AutoPIPE Nozzle\apnozzle.exe

7. Start Screen recording

++Note++ Many times, small details not mentioned in a write up or explained over the phone can lead to a solution. 

8. Verify Bentley's Cloud Service Status has no errors - click here.

9. Verify user logged in is has permissions to access following domains needed by Connection Client:

Click Here

10. Confirm user has the latest edition of CONNECTION Client:

Using a mirid of techniques, find version of Connection Client currently installed.

Compare that version number against Connection Client release notes here. If the release notes indicate a higher version is available, then download and install it by using the steps here.

Otherwise continue below

11. User must be signed into CONNECTION Client in order to continue.

i. Sometimes it helps if the user logs In and Out of CONNECTION Client 2x, then log back in.

ii. Right mouse click on Windows Start and select Run, enter "resmon", click OK, Confirm both applications are listed and status = Running:


ii. IF user is unable to log in, contact one of the following for assistance:

1. Company appointed Bentley On-Site Admin

2. Use Phone and call Bentley, speak to Licensing department

12. Open BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool) 

Verify user is Logged in with CONNECTION Client by looking above the Entitlement tab on the dialog to see the email address of person logged in.

Is email missing?

If Yes, go back to Step #11 above.

If No, continue below

a. Go to the "Tools" pulldown and choose "Send Logs Now".

b. Go to the "Tools" pulldown and choose "Refresh Policy".

c. Go to the "Tools" pulldown and choose "Reset Policy".

Grab bottom right corner of the BLT application, left mouse click, hold, and drag dialog to the right until horizontal scroll bar disappears. 


> On the Entitlements tab, scroll down so AutoPIPE is visible, does the application appear with access column = Allowed?

> On the Product Status tab, scroll down so AutoPIPE is visible, is the product listed with description = Product OK to run"?

If No to any of these questions,

1. Go to the "Tools" pulldown and choose "Activation wizard" command, follow prompts to activate AutoPIPE

Review Entitlements and Product status again, do they have the correct settings above?

If Nocontact company appointed Bentley On-Site Admin, ask them to verify:

i. User management settings (ex. added to the account, no restriction, etc..) - performed by ON-site Admin only

ii. Entitlement management for AutoPIPE application has no restriction, etc.- performed by ON-site Admin only

If Yes, continue below.

If Yes, continue below.

13. Run License Health Check tool 

a. Take a screen shot of dialog and send for review.

b. Press Copy Results button, paste into a blank Notepad file

c. Save file, File name = Case number - Health check.txt

14. Run Collect License Logs command

a. File name = Case number - License Log Collector file 

15. Open Event Viewer application and clear the logs. 

a. Press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, enter eventvwr (or eventvwr.msc) and hit OK.

b. In the window that appears, expand Windows Logs on the left sidebar, and right mouse click on Application select. Then select Clear Log option. After the dialog opens press the Clear button to clear the log file. Repeat right click and clear process on the remaining icons - Security, Setup, System, and Forward Events.

16. Start AutoPIPE program.

17. After the program crashes, gather Event Viewer information

open Event Viewer,

- Again right mouse click on Application,

- Select Save all Events as Log... option,

- Folder location = Desktop,

- File name = Case number and press Save button

18. Gather AutoPIPE Log files - click here

If using AutoPIPE 12.02.xx and higher, send AutoPIPE's Log files for review. 

If using lower version, continue below

19. Gather Debug log files 

Use Microsoft WinDBG program to generate a log file, again, copy paste log information to a blank Notepad file

- File name = Case number - WinDBG.txt 

20. Stop Screen recording, save video as *.MP4 file

File name = Case number.MP4 

21. File Bentley Case and attach requested files. 

Upload following files to case, (best to compress into a single ZIP file):

i. Screen recording of steps taken to crash the application (*.mp4)

ii. Event Viewer log file (*.evtx)

iii. AutoPIPE log file (APLog_xxxxxxxxxx.log )  

iv. WinDBG log file (*.TXT)

Additional Information needed if No screen recording is provided

v. From BLT

a. Screen shot of Connection client Last version started (see step #9, file name = Case number - Connection Client). 

b. Entitlement screen shot with AutoPIPE in view (see step #11, file name = Case number - Entitlement). 

c. . Product Status tab screen shot with AutoPIPE in view (see step #11, file name = Case number - Product). 

vi. License health check

a. Screen shot (see step #12,  file name =  Case number - Health check)

b. Copy of results text file created, (see step #12,  file name = Case number - Health check.txt)

vii. License Log Collector file (see step #13,  file name = Case number - License Log Collector file)

See Also

Use the WIX Toolset to extract contents of AutoPIPESetup.exe file which is a WIX Burns installer

AutoPIPE crashes when installing, how to get a log file?

Bentley AutoPIPE